Sunday, August 23, 2009

Some of the things I like...

Waking up next to my bestfriend, fruit trees wanting nothing more than to give big juicy pieces of fruit,baby stretches and yawns, just one. more. song. , a new day with amazing people, thick corkboardand long pushpins, when red fades to orange, when sleep fades to conscious, people who sing tothemselves whereverthey are and could care less about who is watching, when I just cant help but dance, being found when all you wanted to be was found, crisp air causing my eyes to tear and my nose to tickle, feeling successful without needing pats on the back, gusting winds picking up leaves of all colors, sitting in front of the fireplace and feeling the warmth and hearing the pops of the wood burning,the smell of cedar on quilts that were stored in cedar chests, gutted and rusted old pick up trucks on dirt roads, the way that glitter sticks to skin, visits from ladybugs, the sound a drip coffee maker makes when it is just about done, empty early morning streets saturated with fog, feeling useful and appreciated at work, colorful marbles, when my dogs chase their own tails, a full moon and warm breeze, the clicking of inspired key strokes, the smell of freshly cracked magazine pages,catching people off guard with a smile, getting caught off guard with a kiss by my babies, crooked humor, people who make things, watching friends find success, a new favorite pen, nights when I can see my breath, nights when i can feel his breath on me, people who hold the door open, giant sliding glass doors that glide effortlessly, when tone deaf people sing with no shame, my kids building forts out of blankets and chairs, hearing people smile through the phone, people who sneeze and their souls shake, neon lights reflecting in puddles, storytellers, understanding that everything happens for a reason, things that taste like they smell, gold safety pins, those little plastic grass pieces served with sushi, found photographs that remind you of a life you never had, Japanese gardens complete with blooming cherry blossoms and floating lily pads.The smell of my Grandmother- a mixture of aqua net and avon cold cream, clean sheets right after a nice hot shower, hot summer days sitting in a body of water preferably a lake or an ocean, chocolate covered coffee beans they give you at road side coffee shops, seeing countryside I have never seen, looking at bright stars when you are away from the city lights, laying my face on that pefect spot; on his naked chest, the scent of rain coming and leaving, being in the right place-at the right time, the tops of mountains and the realization that I am small in comparison to the mountain and it's surroundings and the feeling of gratitude that comes with that realization, vintage clothing that looks good on "them".

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